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About SVS Rehab

About SVS Rehab Clinic

  • The Swallowing, Voice and Speech Rehab SVS was founded to provide an excellent care to patients with  swallowing, voice, speech and language disorders as well as other orofacial myology disorders.  At SVS,  we believe that patients with any one of the above mentioned disorders are not given enough treatment opportunities at the government health centers.

  • The number of visits they are assigned by government health centres are not enough. Most patients are discharged from the community services while they are still in need of therapy. The wait lists in the outpatients clinics in hospitals are too long, sometimes exceed 6 months.  It is documented that research supports early intervention and particularly for stroke and other Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI) populations.

  • These patients with stroke can expect some degree of "spontaneous recovery" in the days, weeks, and months immediately following the stroke. During this time, physical, cognitive, and communication deficits may improve on their own as the brain heals. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology services can enhance this spontaneous recovery. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are trained to work with people with a variety of speech and language disorders such as aphasia, dysphagia, cognition, dysarthric and other voice problem may results from stroke. Some of the patients who suffer from other neurological diseases may need on going intervention due to the nature of these diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis MS, Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis ALS, Myasthenia Gravis, locked in syndrome, etc

Providing you with the best care

Mohamed A Mohamed

Mohamed A Mohamed is MA, PHD, CCC-SLP, C-SLP, Reg. CASLPO Certified Orofacial Myologist. He has long experience in Swallowing, Voice and Speech Rehabilitation.

Please contact our SVS Clinic any time during the working hours for consultation.

Feeding Clinic

 Jesse Arrigo Success Story -Watch the vedio

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